Glee: My guilty pleasure

Not many things give me 'guilty' pleasure these days and I'm not ashamed to say I have found that pleasure in the form of Fox's hit television show, Glee. The show is an American musical comedy-drama television series based on fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio.

When my athletic six foot, two-hundred pound son chose to join the glee club instead of the football team, I must confess I was secretly disappointed in his choice of extra-curricular school activity. My son joined the club never having watched an episode of Glee and ignored the fact that he would be teased mercilessly by the school hierarchy, his former team jocks.

I decided to watch an episode of Glee to find out what would make my son change his allegiance from sports to barber shop quartet. And I'm glad I did.

The show I happened to catch was the highly anticipated,"The Power of Madonna." The stellar cast performed eight Madonna covers and show veteran Jane Lynch, who plays cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester, thrilled me to death, when she is given a makeover by club members Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Mercedes (Amber Riley) and she recreates Madonna's Vogue video, after being ridiculed by glee club director Will Scheuster (Matthew Morrison) for her non-fashion sensibility.

Glee, the brain child of Ian Brennen and created with Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk is based on Brennen's own high school choir experiences. Brennen first envisioned Glee as a film and wrote the original draft with the help of Screenwriting for Dummies.

My choir boy son is not the object of ridicule as I had feared. And to the amazement of strangers who asks if he plays sports because of his stereotypical size, he proudly tells them he is "not an athlete", but a card carrying member of the glee club.

What fun! Glee will leave you with a song in your head. A warm feeling in your heart. And a ridiculous smile from ear to ear. My idea lately of what a 'guilty' pleasure feels like.

Repost of Tinseltown Diva's May 11, 2010, column

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